
Trust part I

Trust and why it’s important

Trust is the bedrock of communication.

🤟🏽Trust is fundamental to any conversation
🤟🏽Trust does not exist in a vacuum
🤟🏽Trust is generated over time
🤟🏽Trust involves people, not situations
🤟🏽Trust starts with appreciating differences, not similarities

What do you think? Is trust something you think about first when you’re about to make a decision, however important.

Whether it’s trust between you and one other individual or between you and your organisation?

It may have taken me some time but I’ve decided that it’s going to be central to every decision I make from now on?

🤟🏽Where’s the trust?
🤟🏽Is it “High trust”?
🤟🏽Is it “Low trust”?
🤟🏽How responsible am I for it?

#trust #leadership #stephenmrcovey #thespeedoftrust #communicationskills