
The whole content shebang – hacks, stories, tunes and more

Public Speaking Secrets: Read Aloud

Improve your vocal variety: Read aloud Improve your public speaking by reading aloud Here's a tip for improving vocal variety when speaking in public, whether that's virtual or live. Try reading a book. Aloud. Pick 3 pages and record yourself reciting the text to your...

Public Speaking Secrets: Listen

Open your mind, then open your ears What's the point of Public Speaking? My first steps I loved Toastmasters International. Well, certainly the Brighton branch of it, Brighton & Hove Speakers Club. But I didn't arrive at it loving it. I was sceptical and just a...

Isn’t that Frank Bough?

How to be a superb presenter Frank Bough was a presenter - a very good one. I suppose you could call him a pioneer in virtual communication. And his death on Sunday has reminded me of what we can all do to communicate at our very best in the virtual and live world....